Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite


Last night, my husband and I went out to a local restaurant and then a live musical show with another couple. It was a Saturday night and it should be our right to enjoy these activities without fear of endangerment. The terrorists who carried out these attacks in Paris don’t deserve to be called human. They are evil and have committed heinous deeds. I find it hard to believe that there is a higher benevolent power that condones the slaughter of innocents in his/her name.

Je t’aime Paris! It is the city of love and legend. It is the place I would go for a romantic getaway- which I have done on more than one occasion; and I am sure a number of the victims were there for the same reason.

I am saddened to learn that Paris has been attacked by Islamic extremists. The city is on  lockdown and the French borders are closed. The only consolation is that my daughter is not among the casualties. She is studying abroad in another city of France- although she had contemplated travelling to Paris for the weekend to see the Eagles of Death Metal perform at the Bataclan theater.

Fortunately (in this case) she had a conflict in her school schedule which changed her decision for weekend travel plans. She has been in France since August and has found the French people to be very friendly. She has enjoyed the freedom of travelling throughout Europe- whether to Switzerland, Netherlands, Spain or within France. What a shame that this wonderful global experience is being dampened by fear and hate.


President Obama proclaimed that France and America share the values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Isn’t that what all the victims of the attack were doing Friday night- good food, entertainment, camaraderie? That is exactly what my husband and I, our friends and countless other people were doing together on Saturday night. While I enjoyed the food and the show, I could not stop thinking about how it would feel if someone came busting through the door with AK-47s or bombs.

While Paris seems far away, I definitely felt like I was attending the show in the spirit of not letting terrorists get us down. My daughter, on the other hand, reported that no one is going to the  cafes or restaurants in her area. I am sure she will have travel restrictions in the coming week.

I don’t know what can be done to  stop the spread of terror, but I hope the next round of presidential debates give us some answers. In the meantime, I am thankful my daughter is safe. And I thank her for all the photos in this post. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of France. Je suis desolee. But we shall overcome….
