It is Good to Be a Dog

img_2968  While my mind and emotions are still in turmoil following this week’s presidential election, I find comfort in my canine companion. How great it would be to be my dog for a day! Relaxed and content without a care in the world…

No concerns about when he will get his next nutritious meal. No doubts that he will always be able to snuggle on his bed, warmed by a cozy fire. No consideration that he will not be able to get his medications or see the vet when he needs to. No fears that the beautiful parks and nature preserves where he loves to roam will no longer exist. img_9310

Taking for granted that his day will always be filled with kind, caring people who will continue to shower him with abundant treats. Falling asleep each night to chase dreams about squirrels and waking up in the morning being able to fulfill them.


Having the expectation that everything will always be the same and there is no reason to assume that anything bad could happen.

It sounds nice, but I suppose it would get a little too routine and boring for us humans after a while. So, instead I will try to tap into some of my dog’s calm and steady reassurance that life goes on, the sun will always come up and a new day is ahead- which will hopefully put me in a better state of mind.

So now, please excuse me, my dog is letting me know that it is time for our daily walk. Who knows what exciting things we will find today!


(I would like to post this in tribute to all the dogs we have known and loved who bring peace, happiness and a bright outlook to their humans.)

A Peaceful Respite from Politics


As Election Day grows closer and the negative attacks get uglier, it is time to take a brief respite from my tv and internet.

My husband and I recently purchased 2 13 ft kayaks and have been enjoying paddling on some local ponds and streams.

It seemed like a perfect time for a mini getaway- especially during this high peak foliage season.


We found a quiet creek to explore where we could smoothly glide along, watching ducks, herons and the occasional turtle.


The beautiful blue sky was a perfect contrast to the colorful leaves; and the sounds of the cicadas and woodpeckers

reminded us that there are better things to listen to than political ads.

